Nikita Banks LCSW

Living My Dream

About Nikita

I'm an award winning business woman but that is not where I started....

2020 taught us that we have to tackle our dreams with a sense of urgency. Companies realized it was necessary to invest in the socio-emotional health of their employees. 

As more and more people like you decide to take control of your lives, happiness and financial freedom our company assists you with the necessary support you need to live the life of your dreams.

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dr oz

Money shouldn't be a factor in your healing. Check out our mental health podcast and free resources.

Don’t know if you need a therapist or a coach, work with someone trained as both

One on One Solutions For You and Your Business

Not all coaches are created equal, the reason being there is no professional standards as it relates to training coaches. However, they have their value. A coach can be instrumental in teaching you the necessary skills to work on concentrated areas in your life. Some of these include, business coaches, financial experts, health coaches and the like.

By contrast all of these areas have professions attached to them, however most of these professions are less inclined to teach you how to achieve results similar to the services they pay you the big bucks for.

By training therapists are all about getting our clients to do the work. There is value in walking our clients through the process of healing and self discovery as it relates to helping them achieve their goals. While there is some overlap between the job of both a therapist and a coach.

While not all coaches are not trained therapist, and therefore are not able to assist with client’s emotional blockages to get them what they need. There are many therapeutic practices that are built on psychological principle that can be used for coaching, all the while dealing with any emotional disturbances that may occur during the process. Let us help you.

What is included in the session?


Initial session

Intake sessions are an introduction to my practice methods. We set up a meeting time to see if we are a good fit to work collaboratively to assist you in achieving your goals. Not every client is a good fit for me and I am not a good fit for all clients and although I provide value to everyone I meet it is necessary to establish trust in such an intimate relationship.


A privately curated experience

What makes it intimate we meet one on one in a confidential setting to discuss their personal and business goals, hopes, and dreams that they may have not have told their family and friends. When sharing your deepest desires with someone it has to be held in a sacred space and I provide all my clients the environment to do so.


Work with a professional

Because this relationship is collaboratively. I have to be invested in my client’s vision. Not only to help see them through the process but sometimes push them past their limitations to get them there in spite of themselves. This type of emotional labor requires commitment and the commitment of both client and clinician to see it through. And quite frankly we have to build a positive rapport and trust in order to get this achieved. We set the tone in our initial meeting.


Set Smart Goals

We use this time to set goals and identify areas of growth for you to work on. We assess where you are as it relates to achieving and attaining your goals we can see what is working and where the struggles are. We work together to prioritize your to do lists to make sure you take the easiest path to victory. ​


Solution focused Assessment

During out session we use the time to identify areas of your business that are working. We review the issues that are standing in the way of your productivity, and evaluate areas of improvement.

We work together, if you...

About Nikita

Some Fun Facts


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